Apartment (Phu My Hung) for rent

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Apartment (Phu My Hung) for rent Empty Apartment (Phu My Hung) for rent

Bài gửi by thienkimpmh 7/4/2015, 09:23

Apartment (Phu My Hung) for rent: 550$, 2bedroom, full furnished, nice layout
If you are looking for an apartment for rent at Phu My Hung, the price from minimum 400$ up to 3.000$, pls contact me Ms.Kim: 0938.549.771. I am feel free to show you an apartment.

Binh Nhì
Binh Nhì

Tổng số bài gửi : 22
Tuổi : 42
Đăng ký ngày : 12/08/2014
Danh tiếng : 0

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